An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

From May 24-26, 2023, the Second Eurasian Economic Forum was held in Moscow, with the participation of the EAEU partner countries

С 24-26 мая 2023 года в Москве прошел Второй Евразийский Экономический Форум, с участием стран-партнеров ЕАЭС

Following the results of the Second Eurasian Economic Forum, participants noted the high need to create conditions for the development of high-tech markets and achieve technological independence, as well as to develop digital tools for the labor market of the EAEU countries.

Digital solutions will help form a single labor market in the EAEU, develop the technologies of the Union's member countries, and ensure the introduction of advanced industry development practices in the EAEU countries. This was announced during the Eurasian Economic Forum by Director of the Human Resources Division of ASI, Head of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills Robert Urazov.

In order to deepen Eurasian cooperation in the development of technologies and competencies, new formats of interaction are being created, including the creation of integrated digital services.

The participants noted the high need for the development of an International Digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions, developed with the support of the Eurasian Development Bank.

The platform's services are aimed at designing, developing, testing and implementing new professions and specialties for the development of priority high-tech sectors of the economy and critical technologies of the EAEU countries. Alina Doskanova, Deputy Director General for International Affairs of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills, spoke at the event.

Representatives of the authorities, companies and educational organizations of the EAEU countries agreed to update the list of end-to-end technologies and competencies on a permanent basis, as well as to jointly participate in the development of services of the International Digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions.

The new platform will help establish the exchange of practices between the EAEU countries and create individual development plans for participants and experts, as well as international competence centers. Alexey Skornyakov, International Director of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills, pointed this out during the negotiations. In 2023, the services of the international platform will be available to all EAEU member states – Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirzizia, as well as the SCO, BRICS+, and Eurasian countries.