In order to strengthen international cooperation, achieve technological self-sufficiency, develop new markets and form technological alliances, an international digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions has been launched since 2023. From June 5, a series of online seminars will be held on the basis of the platform to discuss and agree on international specifications of skills and technologies.
The International digital Platform is a unique tool whose mission is to develop industry-specific and digital solutions for shaping high-tech markets by improving skills and professions.
Key tasks of the platform: digital support of the process of developing and implementing new skills and technologies in high-tech industries, formation of an international network of professional communities, formation of an environment for creating and developing joint integration projects, creation of a regularly updated Digital International Register of skills, professions and technologies, as well as a mechanism for evaluating and international recognition of qualifications, creation of a regularly updated knowledge base and best practices in advanced professions and technologies.
The life cycle of forming new standards of skills and professions includes:
- Market and technology research and analysis;
- Designing skills and technologies relevant to the global labor market;
- Testing of technologies at world championships;
- Introduction of technologies in production processes.
Research is aimed at studying the situation in the labor market, identifying strengths and growth points in current technologies. As part of the design process, technology specifications are formed based on the best international practices, joint discussion of their development directions and determination of further steps for testing. The next stage of the cycle is testing and test approbation of standards, which will be held within the framework of international industry championships. Implementation in the championship system will allow improving the developed standards to the reference level, after which they will become part of the program bank of the International Digital Platform and can be integrated into real production processes and training programs.
For several years, the international expert community has been doing a lot of work on analyzing labor markets. Based on the collected data, on June 5, a team of professionals will launch a series of sessions aimed at updating international specifications of skills and technologies, which will later be tested at the Digital Skills Championship.
Sessions will be held in the following competencies: "Web technologies", "Mobile Application Development", "Flying Robotics", "CAD Engineering Design", "Mobile Robotics", "Graphic Design", "Development of solutions using blockchain technologies", "Information Security", "BIM Information Modeling Technologies". The results of the discussion and design will be posted on the platform.