An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

Experts highly appreciated the International Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions within the framework of the Eurasian Congress

Эксперты высоко оценили Международную платформу развития навыков и профессий в рамках Евразийского конгресса

Within the framework of the Eurasian Congress-2023, which was held in Sochi from June 8-9, a session "Digital transformation and the formation of a new economic structure in Eurasia" was held.

Today we observe, on the one hand, a trend towards strengthening and transformation of national economies, and on the other hand, integration processes in the international labor market. One of the priority tasks is to ensure the transition of countries to a new economic structure, coupled with the development of skills and high technologies.

The session "Digital transformation and the formation of a new economic structure in Eurasia" was attended by representatives of several dozen companies from the IT sector and related areas. As part of the discussion, representatives of public authorities and businesses were presented with new digital projects, the implementation of which can play an important role not only in terms of digitalization, but also the joint growth of competencies and technology development.

During the event, the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills presented an International digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions.

"Since 2014, interacting in the EAEU circuit, we have formed best practices in the context of skills, subsequently expanding cooperation with the BRICS, SCO, ASEAN, Middle East, etc. In order to effectively continue the joint development and implementation of advanced professions and technologies, we have proposed to launch an International platform for the development of skills and Professions", – said the Director of International Activities of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills Alexey Skornyakov.

The platform's services will create conditions for the formation of high-tech industries, the development of critical and end-to-end technologies in order to achieve the technological independence of countries. The platform will provide digital support for the development and implementation of new skills and technologies in high-tech industries.

Now experts are observing a shift in patterns of labor relations, the development of platform employment, remote employment, self-employment. All this indicates that the focus on the labor market is shifting from labor activity to the skills activity market. In this regard, within the framework of the platform, experts focus on a specific person, his skills, the technologies used by him and what final product he produces. The participants of the discussion noted that the platform's services will contribute to the growth of people's well-being through the development of new technologies and skills.