An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

Human capital development to create a new techno-economic alliance

Развитие человеческого капитала для создания нового техно-экономического альянса

Today, the world is on the verge of major technological changes, which, of course, will entail changes in the economy. Some countries are making a huge leap forward, and some will take time to adapt.

When technologies change, old social systems are broken down and new ones are built. These processes are usually accompanied by competition, while the International Platform for Developing Skills and Professions offers to develop new solutions in cooperation.

According to experts, it is very important for countries to increase their critical mass and create a large technological and economic space. But it is almost impossible to do this alone, which is why it is necessary to create new opportunities for combining serious players. Integration platforms become such associations.

At the same time, we must not forget about the largest and most promising continent – Eurasia, for which it is important to become a single market that combines all the infrastructure – resources, networks, communications, roads, pipelines, and so on. In cooperation with BRICS countries that are skilled in new technologies, the process of transition to a new economic structure can become even more efficient.

One of the most important tasks contributing to the implementation of these processes is the development of skills and human capital in the allied countries. Experts in the field of competence development from the BRICS countries are doing a lot of work on the formation of new international specifications of competencies in the field of digital and high technologies, which become a reference document that has a recommendatory character for updating national standards (technological, professional, educational).

The Human Capital Development Group of the BRICS Business Council held expert sessions on the following competencies: "Internet of Things in Agriculture", "BIM Information Modeling Technologies", "Flying Robotics", "Digital Twin", "Aircraft Maintenance", "Industrial Robotics", "Mobile Application Development", " Renewable Energy". During the session, experts updated the content of the competencies of the BRICS Future Skills Challenge project, aimed at providing personnel for promising sectors of the countries ' economies and developing new technologies. The next stage will be the testing of these developments in the framework of the Digital Skills and BRICS Future Skills Challenge championships, which will be held with the support of the International Digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Competencies.