An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

International Platform for Skills and Professions development presented by international media

Международная платформа развития навыков и профессий представлена международным СМИ

On October 24, at 11:00, Sputnik News Agency held a press conference dedicated to the implementation of digital projects supported by the Digital Initiatives Fund of the Eurasian Development Bank.

As part of the Moscow-Minsk-Yerevan-Bishkek-Astana-Tashkent teleconference, the International Skills and Professions Development Platform, created by the Skills and Professions Development Agency with the support of the EDB Digital Initiatives Foundation, was presented. The platform will provide participants with access to a range of services for professional development and promotion of advanced international standards, technologies and skills models, as well as facilitate the exchange of information with potential partners and employers and the formation of individual professional trajectories through the implementation of skills assessment and development activities.

The panelists discussed which skills are relevant in the EAEU labor market and which platform services contribute to their development.

"The main tasks that we set for ourselves within the framework of the International Platform are the joint development of high-tech industries and markets, providing cooperation projects with human resources. Currently, the Platform's services are used by in total, there are more than 400 organizations in 14 countries, which emphasizes the effectiveness of the full cycle of skills and professions development, as well as the high integration potential of the project", – Alina Doskanova, Deputy Director General for International Affairs of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills, noted.

The experts noted that the implementation of the activities of the International Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions will contribute to the expansion of the Eurasian professional community, increase the competitiveness of personnel from the EAEU member states and partners, as well as develop and implement advanced professional standards at the integration level.

"In an era of change, professional development and the acquisition of new skills is an extremely important task. The programs and methods of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills have proven their effectiveness, including in the Eurasian Economic Union. The international digital platform developed by the Agency with the support of the EDB Digital Initiatives Fund facilitates the access of EAEU citizens to best practices and technologies, and provides an opportunity to acquire promising skills. We consider this a priority task for our single labor market.", – Tigran Sargsyan, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank, concluded the discussion.

For reference:

EDB Digital Initiatives Foundation, which is overseen by Deputy Chairman of the EDB Management Board Tigran Sargsyan and was established in June 2020. The purpose of the Fund is to support the development of digital transformation tools and practices in the EDB member States, including by integrating information resources and participating in the development and financing of projects. The FCI's flagship project is the "Traveling without COVID-19" app, which is successfully used in 9 CIS countries.

Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) — an international financial organization that carries out investment activities in the Eurasian space. For more than 17 years, the EDB has been promoting the strengthening and expansion of economic ties and the comprehensive development of its member countries. The authorized capital of the EDB is US $ 7 billion. The main share of the EDB's portfolio is occupied by projects with an integration effect in the areas of transport infrastructure, digital systems, green energy, agriculture, industry and mechanical engineering. The Bank's activities are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ESG principles.

International platform for the development of Skills and ProfessionsLaunched on the initiative of the EAEU countries and with the organizational support of the Agency for the Development of Professions and Skills, it is a complex of services for professional development and promotion of advanced professions, technologies and skills.

The Platform's services are aimed at designing, developing, testing and implementing new professions and specialties for the development of priority high-tech sectors of the economy and critical technologies of the countries of the Eurasian space and other interested states.

Main areas of activity implemented with the support of International Platform services:

  • Development of advanced international standards for professions and skills based on critical and end-to-end technologies;
  • Improving the staffing of industries;
  • Promotion of personnel mobility;
  • Promoting increased labor productivity;
  • Create and develop a regularly updated knowledge base and best practices, including the creation of a regularly updated digital international register of professions, technologies and skills;
  • Development of tools for independent assessment of competencies in accordance with the requirements of high-tech industries.

On a regular basis, the Platform implements a set of methodological and project-analytical activities involving the international expert and professional community in order to form the content of international competence specifications, including requirements for skills,technologies, workplace, and performance of a specialist.

As of October 2023, they have already been formed international
specifications for 20 promising competencies
, which took part in the development of
direct participation of real sector companies, educational institutions
organizations and technological institutes of the EAEU countries, in total more than 400 organizations.

In addition, the Platform's technical capabilities make it possible to hold competitive and educational events on a regular basis. In 2023, it is planned that more than 300 participants will pass digital certification and receive an international "Competence Passport". This is an electronic certificate that reflects the individual level of proficiency of a specialist, which will facilitate the process of hiring qualified personnel in the EAEU member states and partners. Based on the data of the Competence Passport, training programs for promising competencies are updated, and a consolidated industrial analysis of personnel specializations and advanced technological industry trends in countries is formed.