An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

The international Sessions in 2024 have become a communication platform for designing and applying forward-looking skills, critical and end-to-end technologies for industry development

Международные сессии в 2024 году стали коммуникационной платформой для проектирования и применения перспективных навыков, критических и сквозных технологий для развития отраслей

In January 2024, on the basis of the International Digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions, the next annual cycle of project sessions on the development of high – tech competencies and the design of international specifications for skills and technologies was launched with the participation of international experts-industry opinion leaders.

In the current year, the international project sessions were a preparatory stage in the implementation of the large-scale cycle of events BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 and were held in the period from January to March 2024.

The sessions presented the best global practices for developing technologies and skills in promising competencies, formed a plan of international events for developing skills in 2024, and considered international specifications of skills and technologies, taking into account the best global practices and employers ' requirements for personnel qualifications, as well as proposed mechanisms for practical assessment of skills of specialists in competencies.

The sessions were attended by representatives of corporations, technology companies, educational institutions, manufacturers of technology and software products of international level

Sessions were held in the following competencies:: “Business Process Automation”, "Blockchain Technologies”," Web Technologies”, "Space Systems Engineering”, "CAD Engineering Design", "Information Security", " Backbone Communication Lines. VOLP construction and Operation”, "Mobile Robotics", "Industrial Design”," Mobile application Development”, "Information Modeling Technologies (BIM)”, "Digital Production", "Electrical Installation".

During the sessions, experts designed international skills and technology specifications that were placed on the Platform in the Knowledge Base.

During the sessions, the most end-to-end promising technologies were identified.

For example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was considered as one of the most relevant and actively developing technologies, which widely covers almost all sectors from creative to industrial industries:

  • So, within the framework of the "Web Technologies" competence presentation, AI was declared as a tool for working with code, where part of the routine code can be generated by AI, but only in small blocks, which significantly optimizes the work of a specialist.
  • The use of AI has greatly influenced the modern structure of the information security specialist's work functions, namely, it has automated and accelerated the process of detecting network attacks and malicious software in files, which has increased the security of information systems.
  • The use of AI has expanded the capabilities of mobile robots and allowed them to perform complex tasks that require processing large amounts of data, analyzing complex situations and making decisions based on a large number of variables, as well as made them more autonomous and independent in performing tasks.
  • For industrial designers, graphic AI tools with chatbots have become an additional tool for finding inspiration and essential help in creating presentation materials, and for engineers who work with CAD and CAD systems, these tools have provided assistance in selecting materials by properties and composition, in determining the functional components of devices and mechanisms, and in selecting standard products, in getting background information for the design process. In this case, AI plays an indirect role, but if the query is generated correctly, it reduces the time spent searching for information and images that was previously spent looking through reference books and manuals.

Following the completion of the cycle of international project sessions, the preparatory stage of the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 events will continue in the format of Skills Camps educational intensives in the period from March to October, during which leading international competence experts will introduce current advanced technologies to the participants of the competition cycle in an online format and offer them a short training course to master new technologies. promising skills.