An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

Development of engineering of new high-tech production at the site of the International competition on promising technologies and skills BRICS+ Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024.

Развитие инжиниринга нового высокотехнологичного производства на площадке Международного Чемпионата по перспективным технологиям и навыкам BRICS+ Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024

In May 2024 Skills Development Agency together with Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business (IITB) and The Creonomika Clustercompetitive events were implemented in a distributed format within the framework of the International competition on promising technologies and skills BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 on the Digital Industry Skill.

The Skill General Partner was R-Pro Concern.

The Skill Competition General Partner was Savushkin Produkt OJSC.

Within 18 hours, 12 teams from different countries were asked to solve applied tasks provided by the The Skill Competition General Partner – Savushkin Product Companyrelated to the engineering of new high-tech production, modeling and programming of industrial robots and automated systems.

Food production was selected in cooperation with Savushkin Product Companyas well as due to the high relevance of food production development in all BRICS+countries.

Each team built its own workflow based on the following stages:

1. Planning: The teams have planned out the work of production execution, distributing tasks among the participants.

2. Modeling: We have modeled the innovative highly robotic food production of the future. Competition participants as a part of teams developed digital twins of a robotic production cell and programmed the production and technological processes implemented by the cell in the environment "Rational production".

3. Commissioning: The teams performed a virtual commissioning of the cell, and then a real one, on the stand IITB, using the Internet of things technology and technical vision.

4. Presentation: On the final day, team members presented and defended their projects in front of competition experts.

This year, 12 teams from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Ghana, South Africa, Mexico, Bolivia and Peru took part in the competition.

As part of the international competition, the prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place-Russia (Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation)

2nd place-Belarus (Brest State Technical University)

3rd place – China (team from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, ITMO University)

In the BRICS Ranking, the prizes were distributed among the teams from Russia, China and the national team from Ghana and South Africa, respectively.

In the EAEU Ranking, the prizes were distributed among the teams from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, respectively.

The final rankings can be found on the page of the BRICS+ Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 at the link

The results of this competition stage will be the main stage for the preparation and holding of the BRICS+ Engineering Teams Competition for the development of technological products in the Digital Industry Skill within the framework of the BRICS+ Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 Super Cup, which will be held in autumn 2024 in Kazan.

The competition was held using Software "Rational production", which was provided by the Skill General Partner R-Pro Concern.

The Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business offers universities, colleges, and companies training programs to prepare teams and their managers (experts of compatriots) to participate in Digital Industry Skill Competitions.

To learn more about training, go to to the link.

For reference:

In 2024, the Russian Federation will preside over the BRICS Interstate Association (BRICS) and the BRICS Business Council.

The BRICS Business Council Working Group on Professional Training, Applied Technologies and Innovation from the Russian Federation is headed by Skills Development Agency in the framework of the Working Group's activities, events aimed at developing promising skills and technologies of hi-tech industries of the BRICS+ countries will be held in 2024.

International competition on promising technologies and skills BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 will be one of the main event of the Working Group in 2024.

Within the framework of the BRICS+ Competition, assessment activities will be held in full-time and distributed formats on the basis of advanced industry skills centers and production sites in order to develop technological and educational exchanges.