An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

Teams from Russia and China became prize-winners in the international competitions on the "Cyber Security" Skill within the framework of the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024

В международных соревнованиях по компетенции «Информационная безопасность» в рамках BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 призерами стали команды из России и Китая

Агентство развития профессий и навыков совместно с российской ИБ-компании ИнфоТеКС провели в Москве финал международных соревнований по компетенции «Информационная безопасность» в рамках BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 b". The winners and prize-winners of the full-time stage of the competition were teams from Russia and China.

On October 14-18, the final of the Cyber Security Skill Competition was held in Moscow at the Training Center of the Russian Information Security company Infotecs. The competition was held as part of the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024.

Competitions were held in full-time and distributed formats. On October 18, the winners were announced in Infotecs.

As part of the BRICS+ face-to-face competition, the prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place – Denis Ilyin and Nikita Zosimov (Russia).

2nd place – Wang Qi and Zhao Ling (China).

Within the framework of the BRICS+ competition in a distributed format, the prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place-Sun Hao and Gao Song (China).

2nd place – Toleu Musa Nurlanuly and Alibi Kaman Kazbekovich (Kazakhstan).

3rd place – Nurmukhanov Yelnur and Momunov Kadyrmamat (Kyrgyzstan).

Applications for participation in full-time and distributed formats in the International competition on promising technologies and skills BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 in 24 Skills were received from more than 20 countries.

Based on the results of the competition, each participant receives a "Skills Passport" – a document that confirms a high level of practical skills in the relevant subject area.

Professional skills and Cyber Security

The Russian company Infotecs has long been engaged in the topic of security and is well-known in the Russian market of manufacturers of information security tools. "Having realized the value of education for the development of the information security industry, we decided to increase our activity in such competitive skills as corporate protection against internal threats and information security, - I told you Alexey UrivskyDeputy General Director for Science and Innovation of Infotex JSC. – The company expressed its readiness to provide the appropriate equipment for holding competitions in its Training Center. Information security competitions began to be held on the basis of Infotex JSC back in 2019. Having accumulated experience, we help to conduct international competitions BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 according to ARPN standards".

BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024

"Independent experts were engaged in developing tasks for the championship, based on the use of products ViPNet, - I told you Anna Chefranova, General Director of the Infotex Training Center. – We We prepared a platform where participants could demonstrate their skills in solving practical problems related to detecting attacks and investigating incidents. All tasks were prepared using examples from real practice".

The tests were conducted on Russian equipment that can be used to build cyber polygons and computer attack investigation centers. Competitions provide for team participation, in the format of 2 people in a team.

Applications for participation in the competition were submitted by representatives of the BRICS+ countries: China, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and South Africa. Starting in the spring of 2024, several training sessions were held, after which participants were allowed to compete.

"We are glad that many remote participants have gathered. This allows you to increase the availability of training,- added Anna Chefranova. – Our company plans to expand its presence in the BRICS countries, where we already have many partners in the field of information security education".

International universities have shown great interest in studying under Russian information security programs. This is due to the fact that education in the field of information security is essentially international. Common interests unite IT specialists, help them exchange scientific and practical experience, and develop the industry.

Plans development BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024

"When preparing and holding the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024, we followed the same rules that guarantee an equal and competent approach to evaluating each participant, - I told you Alexey Skornyakov, Director of the ARPN International Department. – The framework created by us helps you identify the most important information security skills that specialists in each country may need. Although the event is held in Russia, we tried to make it international – to attract our international partners from the BRICS countries to participate.".

The speaker noted that the development of professional skills in the field of information security allows countries to maintain technological sovereignty and develop promising technologies. The direction of information security is one of the main factors on this path. Therefore, the value of the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge is that it helps mass recruitment and training of personnel.

"A high level of training in the field of information security is a necessary guarantee for countering information security threats,- underlined Alexey Skornyakov. – Cybercrime has become an international phenomenon, but its attacks are not carried out"head-on". Vulnerabilities occur at different levels of training for infrastructure defenders. They create risks, so the spread of cyber attacks on an international scale occurs through a "weak link".

The main result of the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 competition is the opportunity to help young people show their talents and find their place in information security, provide them with a high level of training and skills proficiency. The project helps to eliminate "white spots" and make the world safer and business more secure.