Заседание Международного Совета Чемпионата в сфере цифровых технологий Digital Skills 2023

On June 27, 2023, at 14:00 Moscow time, a meeting of the International Council of the Digital Skills 2023 Championship in the field of digital technologies will be held via videoconference.

The International Council is a platform for cooperation between countries in the development of promising high-tech professions.

The activities of the International Council include the following areas::

  • - Formation of proposals on the list of promising industries and competencies.
  • - Updating the specification of skills and technologies by competence
  • - Creation and testing of tools for mutual recognition of competencies through assessment and competition activities.
  • - Development of services of the International Digital Platform for the Development of Skills and Professions
  • - Development of a network of distributed centers for the development of professions and technologies
  • - A benchmark of the level of technological development and the level of training of personnel

* Participation in the event is by invitation. If you have any questions about participation, please contact info@inpdp.org.

June 27, 2023



