Образовательный интенсив с международной сертификацией «Международные инструменты и практики повышения производительности труда для перспективных и высокотехнологичных отраслей»

The event will focus on international best practices and tools for improving labor productivity and advancing the development of industries.

Experts and specialists will be presented with leading technological solutions and production practices in the electric power industry, mechanical engineering, space and telecommunications industries, as well as other high-tech areas.

Within the framework of the intensive course, production organizers will be provided with tools for implementing changes and developing innovative skills in the implementation of development projects at enterprises.

Following the results of the educational intensive course, participants will receive certificates of international level.

To access the broadcast and schedule, you must register: https://lk.inpdp.org/events/20

December 14, 2023



