An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas


An international practical workshop aimed at collecting data on the facts of specialists' work activities in the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems based on the results of performing industry tasks in order to form world-class qualification requirements, assisting in the implementation of educational exchanges, developing interaction between educational organizations, training personnel for joint scientific research, development of specific technologies, implementation of joint projects, and industrial cooperation.


Исследование, анализ и трансфер лучших международных практик
Research, analysis, and transfer of best international practices
for further formation of world-class qualification requirements in the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems
Создание международного профессионального экспертного сообщества
Creating an international professional expert community
for international verification of qualification requirements in the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems
Выполнение практико-ориентированных заданий
Performing practice-oriented tasks
for testing advanced technologies and skills in shaping world-class qualification requirements
Интеграция передовых международных практик
Integrating best international practices
for the development of a system of competitive and promotional events, as well as training systems



22-27 September (on-site и online)

Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

  • representatives of organizations, representatives of tech companies and research institutes involved in the field of development, production, operation, and maintenance of unmanned aircraft systems;
  • representatives of educational organizations involved in the development and implementation of educational programs aimed at training personnel for the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems

Gather a team of 2 to 5 people or sign up alone - and we'll help you assemble a team. Or search for like-minded people in a dedicated Telegram chat


Автономная Некоммерческая Организация «Университет Национальной Технологической Инициативы 2035»
Международный центр компетенций – Казанский техникум информационных технологий и связи
Рабочая группа Деловой Совет БРИКС
Агентство развития профессий и навыков
International Professional Development Platform


ЭРИ (ООО «Русдронопорт»)
SKYRIS (ООО «Скайрис»)
DRONESHUB (ООО «Дронсхаб»)


Эксплуатация БАС
UAV Operation
Individual participation,
1 competitor per team
Проектирование, конструирование и производственная инженерия БАС
Drone Assembling
Team participation,
2 to 5 competitors per team
Технологии ИИ в комплексных беспилотных системах
Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering
Team participation,
2 to 5 competitors per team
Летающая робототехника
Aerial Robotics
Team participation,
2 to 5 competitors per team

Open survey of expert positions

to identify an expanded list of promising industry challenges in the UAS field
Take the survey


Aerial Robotics

Developing a directional antenna guidance system (tracker antenna) to increase the communication range.
Task: to dynamically guide the antenna located on the ground station to the drone
Aerial Robotics

Developing a drone control system using an optical communication channel

Aerial Robotics

Developing a fully-connected drone swarm control system

Aerial Robotics

Developing and implementing VR simulators for pilot training

Aerial Robotics

Developing a UAV flight monitoring and safety management system. Participants shall create a system that allows to monitor UAV flights, control their routes, and take measures to prevent emergency situations

Drone Assembling

Develop a fertilizer spraying/dispersal unit with automatic refilling capability.

Drone Assembling

Develop a node/UAV that allows for condition assessment of oil pipelines.

Drone Assembling

Building a courier drone to deliver medical supplies to remote areas. Participants shall design a drone capable of automatically delivering medical supplies to places that are difficult or dangerous to reach by transportation, ensuring quick and efficient delivery of needed medications.

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

UAV self-diagnostics: analyzing vibration data, determining vibration types, their frequencies, amplitudes, and other parameters that can indicate the state of the vehicle, predict possible breakdowns or malfunctions, and recommend measures to prevent accidents.

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

Automatic crop condition assessment using a drone that transmits information about areas requiring fertilization to a ground platform to perform the respective operations.

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

Develop a system for traffic situation visual recognition that allows a rover to drive autonomously on public roads, recognizing road markings, road signs, traffic signals, pedestrians, and other vehicles. Based on the information obtained, the system shall determine whether the rover can continue moving or whether it should stop.
Develop a similar system for a drone, to monitor the traffic situation from above, to determine and predict possible dangerous situations in the movement of other vehicles that the rover at ground level is unable to see. Based on the data obtained, it should monitor the traffic situation and identify violators of traffic rules.

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

Developing a robotic complex (mobile platform + manipulator) to perform production and logistics tasks at industrial enterprises.
The complex shall provide the possibility of independent automatic performance of tasks on analyzing, sorting, and moving units, parts, and blanks at processing and assembly plants and warehouse complexes (auxiliary worker).
Participants shall develop the complex's structural elements, algorithms of operation and selection of designated parts in the warehouse, automatic loading/unloading, and transportation to the shop for further work.

Drone Assembling

Develop a retractable landing gear for a UAS with a takeoff weight of up to 7 kg with specified contours Tasks:
* Choose the landing gear placement scheme.
* Determine the place of installation, taking into account the location of other assemblies.
* Determine the kinematic scheme of retraction and release
* Select wheels from the provided product range.
* Model the attachment points, retraction and release rods (using the provided servos), struts and shock absorbers.
* Print parts of the landing gear on a 3D printer
* Assemble and test the retraction/release mechanism
* Demonstrate landing safety according to UAS airworthiness standards criteria

Aerial Robotics

Development of a platform for creating graphical interfaces for industrial UAVs

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

Using a drone, identify uneven areas on the site and determine which ones need to be avoided and which ones can be driven over, find the victim and transmit all the information received. Then the rover delivers a first aid kit to the victim along the shortest route, avoiding obstacles and identifying objects using a neural network.

UAV Operation

Development of a program and testing methodology for assessing the technical characteristics and fault tolerance of UAS and units and conducting tests

Drone Artificial Intelligence, Drone Electronic Engineering

AI solution for smart room monitoring and IoT integration

Aerial Robotics

Develop a drone that can track specific objects or people at a fixed speed and distance, such as moving people, moving cars, moving bottles or other characteristic objects, and that can be activated by electricity.

The 2024 International Hackathon will be held as part of the BRICS events from September 22 to 27 in Kazan

the BRICS+ Competition covers high-tech and promising areas: "New and promising markets", "Digital economy", "New industries"
Learn more


People aged 18 to 65 years old can participate.

On-site format

1. Competition participants perform tasks at the Competition venue.
2. The participants' sites are built and equipped in accordance with the infrastructure list and site layout.
3. The test projects are assessed in person by the assessment team, with the possibility of engaging experts remotely.

Application for participation

Distributed format

1. Participants perform the task, joining online from the distributed sites
2. The participants' sites are built and equipped in accordance with the infrastructure list and site layout.
3. The test projects are assessed remotely using digital solutions.

Application for participation


There are four steps to participate, and don't forget the key dates!

Until August 31
Until September 8
  • Receive an invite
  • Confirm your participation
22-27 September
  • Develop technological solutions and perform practical tasks in the field of creation, production, and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles. 
  • You can choose tasks suggested by partner companies from the UAS industry, or you can propose your own ideas.
September 27, Friday
  • Demonstrate the solution produced during the Hackathon
  • Participate in the Award Ceremony


22 Сентября, воскресенье
09:00-23:59 – Participants' arrival, hotel accommodation, accreditation
23 сентября, понедельник
8:30 – 9:30 – Accreditation
9:30 – 10:00 – Briefing the participants
11:00 – 13:00 - Setting tasks / Q&A session; Teamwork: Planning module
14:00-15:00 – Hackathon Opening Ceremony
15:00-19:00 – Teamwork: Planning Module
24 сентября, вторник
09:00-09:30 – Briefing the participants
09:30-18:30 – Работа в командах: Модуль «Разработка»
09:30-18:30 – Консультация с экспертами, подведение итогов дня
25 сентября, среда
09:00-09:30 – Briefing the participants
09:30-18:30 – Работа в командах Модуль «Отладка»
09:30-18:30 – Консультация с экспертами, подведение итогов дня
26 сентября, четверг
09:00-09:30 – Briefing the participants
09:30-18:30 – Работа в командах Модуль «Подготовка документации, презентации, оформление проекта в продукт»
09:30-18:30 – Консультация с экспертами, подведение итогов дня
18:00-18:30 – Питчи команд
27 сентября, пятница
08:45-09:30 – Брифинг для участников
09:30-12:00 – Модуль «Защита проекта» - предполетная подготовка оборудования и рабочих зон для демонстрации
12:00-14:00 – Подведение итогов
15:00-18:00 – Closing Ceremony, Award Ceremony, release of the Hackathon results


Skills Passport, an international specialized digital document (data slice) confirming the level of proficiency in practical skills

International level certificates confirming participation in the competitive event


World-class qualification requirements in the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems

Promising technological solutions to relevant industry challenges in the field of development, production, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems


Sign up alone or with other like-minded people.
We will find you a team of the most motivated guys through our special program.
By submitting this application, I confirm that I agree with the Hackathon regulations.