An open survey of expert positions to establish an expanded list of promising areas

The first Open Online Russian Competition "Digital Industry" 2024 finished

Завершился первый Открытый онлайн Чемпионат России “Цифровое производство”

Skills Development Agency together with the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business (IITB) and the Creonomika Cluster, held the Open Online Russian Competition "Digital Industry" 2024.

"Digital Industry" is an innovative paradigm aimed at transforming industry and developing the industry as a whole. It provides the creation of digital twins of production processes, which allows you to model, analyze and optimize the work of enterprises in real time. Such modern technology plays a key role not only in ensuring the technological sovereignty of the state, but also in developing strategically important collaborative and innovative projects at the international level. It is important to realize that digital production opens up new opportunities for cooperation with partner countries, contributing to the creation of common technology platforms and the promotion of innovative ideas, which in turn has a positive impact on the prospects for the development of industry and the economy as a whole.

Together with international experts from the BRICS+ countries, an Digital Industry International Skills Specification was developed, which became the basis for forming the test task of the Competition.

The competition is a unique opportunity for participants to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and abilities in the field of digital industry through solving competitive tasks related to the engineering of new hi-tech production, modeling and programming of industrial robots and automated systems.

This year's competition was attended by teams from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Brest State Technical University, St. Petersburg State Technical University, Petrovsky College, Rostov College of Mechanical Engineering Technologies.

The services of the International Development Professional Platform made it possible to conduct an independent assessment of the skills of specialists in the framework of competitive events, according to the results of which the places among the teams were distributed as follows:

1st place-Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev;

2nd place – Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics;

3rd place – Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

The total running time at the competition was 18 hours. On the first day of the competition, the teams planned out the work of performing production, distributing tasks among the participants, and started modeling production. The digital twin was created in the "Rational Production" environment.

20 and 21 March, the participants of the competition developed digital twins of a robotic production cell and programmed the production and technological processes implemented by the cell in the "Rational Production" environment. Then the teams first performed a virtual commissioning of the cell, and then a real one, at the IITB stand, using the Internet of Things technology and technical vision.

On the final day, students presented and defended a video presentation report to the competition experts.

The award ceremony took place and the announcement of the winners were held on 22 March. The best participants received honorary prizes and certificates, as well as passed digital certification and received an international Skills Passport.

For reference purposes:

Video following the competition results

The competition was held using Software "Rational production"provided by the championship sponsor R-Pro Concern.

On April 10, 2024, based on the services of the International Professional Development Platform with the support of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business, a series of educational intensive courses (Skills Camps) on the skill "Digital Industry" will start. To register for the Skill Camp, please fill out the form at the link and choose an Educational intensive (Skills Camp) in the skill "Digital Industry".